Pembahasan 40 Prediksi Soal OSN Ekonomi SMA MA Dilengkapi Kunci Jawaban Persiapan OSN Tingkat Nasional

- 30 Mei 2022, 18:22 WIB
Pembahasan  40 Prediksi Soal OSN Ekonomi Dilengkapi Kunci Jawaban Persiapan OSN Tingkat Nasional
Pembahasan 40 Prediksi Soal OSN Ekonomi Dilengkapi Kunci Jawaban Persiapan OSN Tingkat Nasional /Pixabay

PORTAL PEKALONGAN - Adik-adik SMA MA, artikel kali ini akan belajar pembahasan  40 Prediksi Soal OSN Ekonomi SMA MA Dilengkapi Kunci Jawaban sebagai referensi belajar persiapan Olimpiade Sains Nasional (OSN) Tingkat Nasional.

Artikel 40 Prediksi Soal OSN Ekonomi SMA MA Dilengkapi Kunci Jawaban persiapan Olimpiade Sains Nasional (OSN) Tingkat Nasional yang akan dibahas dalam artikel kal ini bisa dijadikan referensi belajar untuk persiapan mengikuti Olimpiade Sains Nasional Ekonomi pada saat yang telah ditentukan.

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Dikutip Portal Pekalongan dari Buku Kumpulan Soal OSN Kemendikbud, berikut pembahasan 40 Prediksi Soal OSN Ekonomi SMA MA Dilengkapi Kunci Jawaban persiapan Olimpiade Sains Nasional (OSN) Tingkat Nasional.

1.    Dalam jangka panjang, keadaan perusahaan pada pasar persaingan sempurna adalah sebagai berikut.1.  
A.Diperoleh laba super normal, di mana perusahaan berproduksi pada biaya rata-rata minimum.
B.Diperoleh laba super normal, di mana perusahaan berproduksi pada saat biaya marginal sama dengan penerimaan marginal.
C.Berproduksi pada saat kurva biaya marginal memotong minimum kurva biaya rata-rata yang menyinggung kurva penerimaan rata-rata.
D.Berproduksi pada saat penerimaan total maksimum dan biaya rata-rata minimum.
E.Diperoleh laba normal, di mana kurva biaya variabel rata-rata menyinggung kurva permintaan perusahaan.
Jawaban : C
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2.Salah satu kejelekan/kelemahan pasar monopoli adalah bahwa perusahaan dalam berproduksi menimbulkan eksploitasi. Hal itu dikarenakan monopolis ....
A.menetapkan harga jual yang setinggi-tingginya untuk memperoleh laba yang lebih besar
B.selalu berproduksi dengan kondisi harga jual lebih besar dari biaya marginalnya
C.membayar upah kepada buruh/tenaga kerja di bawah tingkat upah pasar
D.dalam jangka pendek selalu memperoleh laba super normal yang maksimum, yaitu pada saat biaya marginal sama dengan penerimaan marginal
E.dapat melakukan kebijakan diskriminasi harga untuk meningkatkan labanya
Jawaban : B

3.Kurva permintaan yang mempunyai koefisien elastisitas harga sebesar nol mempunyai arti ....
A.bila harga naik 10%, jumlah barang yang diminta turun lebih besar dari 10%
B.bila harga turun 1%, jumlah barang yang diminta naik lebih kecil dari 1%
C.berapapun jumlah barang yang diminta, harganya tetap
D.bila harga dinaikkan tiga kali, maka penerimaan total perusahaan akan meningkat 300%
E.kurvanya berbentuk horizontal
Jawaban : D
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4.Bila upah minimum provinsi (UMP) meningkat dan pendapatan konsumen juga naik, maka ....
A.harga keseimbangan turun, kuantitas keseimbangan naik
B.harga dan kuantitas keseimbangan naik
C.harga keseimbangan naik, kuantitas keseimbangan tetap
D.harga keseimbangan naik, kuantitas keseimbangan turun
E.harga keseimbangan naik, kuantitas keseimbangan ambigu
Jawaban : E

5.Garis anggaran (untuk barang X dan barang Y) akan bergeser ke kiri apabila terjadi ....
A.anggaran konsumen meningkat
B.kenaikan harga barang X
C.penurunan harga barang X
D.kenaikan harga barang Y
E.kenaikan harga barang X dan harga barang Y
Jawaban : E
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6.Kinked demand curve perusahaan pada pasar oligopoli tidak berlaku dalam model price leadership, karena ....
A.bila harga diturunkan, perusahaan lain tidak ikut menurunkan harga, tapi bila harga dinaikkan, perusahaan lain ikut menaikkan harga
B.bila harga dinaikkan, perusahaan lain tidak ikut menaikkan harga, tapi bila harga diturunkan, perusahaan lain ikut menurunkan harga
C.baik harga dinaikkan maupun diturunkan, perusahaan lain tidak mengikutinya
D.baik harga dinaikkan maupun diturunkan, perusahaan lain mengikutinya
E.harga ditetapkan oleh pasar (kekuatan permintaan dan penawaran di pasar)
Jawaban : D

7.Perusahaan pada pasar persaingan sempurna yang menderita rugi akan ....
A.berproduksi pada kondisi di mana biaya rata-rata minimum agar ruginya minimum
B.menaikkan harga jualnya agar bisa memperoleh laba
C.tidak berproduksi agar kerugiannya tidak semakin banyak
D.tetap berproduksi bila harga jual masih di atas biaya variabel rata-rata
E.tetap berproduksi bila penerimaan marginal masih lebih besar dari biaya marginalnya
Jawaban : D
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8.Bila diketahui fungsi tabungan:  S = -800 + 0,25Y, pemerintah menambah pengeluaran dalam APBN sebesar Rp200 miliar dan mengurangi pajak juga sebesar Rp200 miliar, maka pendapatan masyarakat ....
A.tetap (tidak berubah)
B.berkurang Rp200 miliar
C.meningkat Rp200 miliar
D.meningkat Rp800 miliar
E.meningkat Rp1,4 triliun
Jawaban : E

9.Selisih antara harga jual saham di pasar perdana dengan nilai nominal disebut ....
A.agio saham
D.fraksi harga
E.bonus saham
Jawaban : A

10.Melalui Indeks Pembangunan Manusia (IPM) yang dikembangkan oleh UNDP, dapat diklasifikasikan sebuah negara maju, negara sedang berkembang, atau negara terbelakang.
Indikator-indikator yang digunakan untuk menyusun indeks ini adalah ....
A.pendapatan riil per kapita, tingkat kemiskinan, dan tingkat kesehatan
B.tingkat kemiskinan, tingkat ketimpangan pendapatan, dan tingkat kesehatan
C.tingkat pendidikan, tingkat pengangguran, dan tingkat kemakmuran
D.tingkat harapan hidup, tingkat melek huruf, dan pendapatan riil per kapita
E.tingkat harapan hidup, tingkat pengangguran, dan tingkat kemiskinan
Jawaban : D

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11.Tingkat partisipasi angkatan kerja (TPAK) dapat dirumuskan sebagai ....
A.(jumlah penduduk berusia 15 tahun ke atas / jumlah angkatan kerja) x 100%
B.(jumlah angkatan kerja / jumlah penduduk berusia 15 tahun ke atas) x 100%
C.(jumlah angkatan kerja / jumlah penduduk) x 100%
D.(jumlah angkatan kerja / jumlah penduduk yang bekerja) x 100%
E.(jumlah pengangguran / jumlah angkatan kerja) x 100%
Jawaban : B

12.Dalam perbankan syariah, mengalihkan tanggung jawab seseorang kepada orang lain dengan suatu imbalan (seperti bank garansi) dinamakan ....
Jawaban : B

13.Berikut ini industri jasa keuangan yang tidak termasuk (ketiga-tiganya) yang diatur dan diawasi oleh Otoritas Jasa Keuangan adalah .... syariah, Dana Pensiun, pergadaian
B.perasuransian, pergadaian, bank perkreditan rakyat
C.lembaga pembiayaan, Dana Pensiun, dan bank perkreditan rakyat
D.pasar modal, pergadaian, dan bank syariah
E.pasar modal, Dana Pensiun, dan koperasi simpan pinjam (koperasi kredit)
Jawaban : E

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14.Koperasi Pusat adalah koperasi yang anggotanya paling sedikit ....
A.5 Koperasi Gabungan
B.10 Koperasi Gabungan
C.20 Koperasi Gabungan
D.5 Koperasi Primer
E.20 Koperasi Primer
Jawaban : D

15.An appreciation of the US real exchange rate induces US consumer to buy ....
A.fewer domestic goods and fewer foreign goods
B.more domestic goods and fewer foreign goods
C.fewer domestic goods and more foreign goods
D.more domestic goods and more foreign goods
E.none of the above is correct
Jawaban : C

16.In a market, the marginal buyer is the buyer ....
A.whose willingness to pay is higher than that of all other buyers and potential buyers
B.whose willingness to pay is lower than that of all other buyers and potential buyers
C.who is willing to buy exactly one unit of the good
D.who is willing to buy exactly some units of the good
E.who would the first to leave the market of the price were any higher
Jawaban : E
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17.The following table shows the percentage of output supplied by industry X.
Firm         Industry X
1            0,24
2            0,13
3            0,10
4            0,08
5            0,05
6            0,03
7            0,02
8            0,01
Refer to the table above, what is the concentration ratio in industry X?
Jawaban : C

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18.If demand decreases and supply decreases, then in the short-run ....
A.both equilibrium price and quantity increase
B.both equilibrium price and quantity decrease
C.equilibrium price increases and equilibrium quantity decreases
D.equilibrium quantity decreases and equilibrium price can either increase or decrease
E.equilibrium of the quantity and of price are unchanged
Jawaban : D

19.Which of the following would not permanently affect demand?
B.Expected future prices.
D.Prices of substitutes in consumption.
E.Prices of  complements in consumption.
Jawaban : A

20.Suppose we observe a decrease in the price of coconut. Which of the following is not a possible cause?
A.A decrease in the price of palm oil.
B.Climate changes in coconut island.
C.An increase in the number of coconut growers.
D.An increase in the price of furniture made from coconut trees.
E.Government subsidy for coconut farmers.
Jawaban : D
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21.Which of the following is a result of a price ceiling?
A.Excess supply.
B.Long lines or wait times for consumers.
C.The cost of removal of excess supply.
D.The cost of shifting resources away from their comparative advantage.
E.Producers sell their products at higher prices.
Jawaban : B

22.The demand for health care is relatively inelastic because a one percent change in price results in ....
A.more than one percent decrease in quantity demanded change in quantity demanded
C.less than a one percent decrease in quantity demanded
D.a one percent decrease in the quantity demanded change in the quantity  demanded
Jawaban : C

23.If a good has a price elasticity of demand of 10 and a 1% tax is placed on the good, what will happen to the quantity demanded?
A.The quantity demanded would increase by a 10%.
B.The quantity demanded would decrease by a 10%.
C.The quantity demanded would decrease by a 1%.
D.The quantity demanded would not change at all.
E.The quantity demanded would drop 10 times.
Jawaban : B
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24.Consider a price change from Rp2.000,00 to Rp2.500,00 causes the quantity demanded to drop from 4.000 units to 3.500 units. What is the price elasticity of demand?
Jawaban : A

25.What will happen if the supply for a product decreases?
A.Consumer surplus will increase.
B.Consumer surplus will decrease.
C.Producer surplus will increase.
D.Producer surplus does not change.
E.Both surpluses will drop.
Jawaban : E

26.Assume a consumer values 2 tickets for a concert at Rp1.000.000,00 for the first ticket and Rp500.000,00 for the second. But he purchases both at the same price Rp250.000,00 for each. What is the consumer’s surplus?
A.Rp 500.000,00
Jawaban : E
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27.Intentionally or un-intentionally everybody will automatically apply the economic principle when he or she faces an economic problem. The true economic principle is ….
A.calculating benefits and efforts accurately
B.spending money as minimum as possible
C.attaining satisfaction as maximum as possible
D.attaining maximum benefits with certain efforts    
E.attaining maximum benefits with minimum efforts
Jawaban : D

28.Imposing a higher rate of income tax will raise the government revenue, however at the end or in a longer run it will cause .... increase in households’ consumption expenditures
B.a deficit in the government’s budget
C.a decrease in national income
D.a deficit in trade balance
E.a higher inflation rate
Jawaban : B
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29.Suppose a households’ consumption expenditure (C) is shown by C = 300 + 0.80Yd, wherein Yd denotes disposable income. If the country’s national income (Y) equals 4,000 and there are taxes (Tx) as much as 500, then the households’ savings (S) will be ....
Jawaban : E

30.Transfer payment is a payment made by ....
A.consumers, but not in exchange for a tangible product
B.firms, but not in exchange for capital equipment
C.foreigners, but not in exchange for a domestically-produced good or service
D.foreigners, included in exchange for a domestically-produced good or service
E.government, but not in exchange for a currently produced good or service
Jawaban : E

Baca Juga: Jasa Marga Pastikan Pemasangan Billboard Kawasan Industri Terpadu Batang Aman dan Lancar Lalu Lintas31.One reason that explains why people hold cash money is speculative motive. Among activities below which one is categorized as the speculative motive of holding money?

A.Buying a coupon of lottery.
B.Buying gold, diamond, jewelry, and the like.
C.Buying fixed assets such as land and property.
D.Buying foreign exchange like euro, yen, or US dollar.
E.Buying marketable securities such as bonds and stocks.
Jawaban E

32.A central bank can control money supply by imposing various types of policy instruments. One example of monetary policy that is aimed at dampening money supply is ....
A.the central bank lowers percentage of its reserve requirement
B.the central bank raises percentage of its reserve requirement
C.the central bank eases establishment of new banks
D.the central bank relaxes credit requirements
E.the central bank buys marketable securities
Jawaban B

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33.National income of a certain country was $400 billion in 2014, and it was $480 billion in the year later. Prices in 2015 was fifteen per cents higher than it had been in the previous year. The economic growth of this country from the year 2014 to 2015 was ....
Jawaban A

34.Kemampuan perusahaan untuk memperoleh laba dari proses produksinya disebut ....
Jawaban B

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35.Investment is an important variable to grow an economy. The more investment is the larger national income will be, and the speeder the economy will grow. Investments will increase if ....
A.the parliament signs more investment agreements
B.the president signs more investment approvals
C.people or households spend more their money
D.the government provides tax amnesty
E.borrowing rates of interest decrease
Jawaban E

36.The ending inventory of Zakara Merchardise Company is understated. It causes cost of good sold to be….
A.overstated and net income to be understated
B.overstated and net income to be overstated
C.understated and net income to be understated
D.understated and net income to be overstated
E.overstated and net income to be correct
Jawaban A

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37.Qanaah Coffee’s sold merchandise for Rp76.000.000,00 cash during the month of December. Returns that month totaled Rp1.600.000,00. If the company’s gross profit rate is 40%, Qanaah Coffee’s will report monthly net sales revenue and cost of goods sold of ....
A.Rp76.000.000,00 and Rp45.600.000,00
B.Rp74.400.000,00 and Rp29.760.000,00
C.Rp74.400.000,00 and Rp44.640.000,00
D.Rp76.000.000,00 and Rp44.640.000,00
E.Rp74.400.000,00 and Rp45.600.000,00
Jawaban C

38.Zahara company normally sells its product for Rp200.000,00/unit. However, the selling price has fallen to Rp15.000,00/unit. Zahara's current inventory consists of 200 units purchased at Rp16.000,00/unit. Net realizable value has now fallen to Rp13.000,00/unit. Calculate the value of this Zahara's inventory at the lower of cost or market.
Jawaban B

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39.Aliya Company has the following per unit original costs and replacement costs for its inventory:
Part A: 100 units with a cost of Rp30.000,00, and net realizable value of Rp25.000,00
Part B: 400 units with a cost of Rp90.000,00, and net realizable value of Rp95.000,00
Part C: 75 units with a cost of Rp80.000, and net realizable value of Rp75.000,00
If Aliya use the lower of cost or market method based on the each product inventory, the total value of this company's ending inventory is ....
Jawaban E

40.If a company mistakenly forgot to record depreciation on office equipment at the end of an accounting period, the financial statements prepared at that time would show ….
A. assets overstated and equity understated
B.assets and equity both understated
C.assets overstated, net income understated, and equity overstated
D.assets, net income, and equity understated
E.assets, net income, and equity overstated
Jawaban E

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Adik-adik SMA MA, demikian pembahasan 40 Prediksi Soal OSN Ekonomi SMA MA Dilengkapi Kunci Jawaban yang bisa kalian pelajari dari artikel kali ini.

Desclaimer :

Kunci jawaban dalam artikel ini tidak bersifat mutlak kebenarannya. Kalian bisa bereksplorasi sendiri dengan jawaban yang lebih tepat dan benar.***

Editor: Ali A

Sumber: Buku Kumpulan Soal OSN


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