Pembahasan 40 Prediksi Soal OSN Ekonomi SMA MA Dilengkapi Kunci Jawaban Persiapan OSN Tingkat Nasional

- 30 Mei 2022, 18:22 WIB
Pembahasan  40 Prediksi Soal OSN Ekonomi Dilengkapi Kunci Jawaban Persiapan OSN Tingkat Nasional
Pembahasan 40 Prediksi Soal OSN Ekonomi Dilengkapi Kunci Jawaban Persiapan OSN Tingkat Nasional /Pixabay

Baca Juga: Jasa Marga Pastikan Pemasangan Billboard Kawasan Industri Terpadu Batang Aman dan Lancar Lalu Lintas31.One reason that explains why people hold cash money is speculative motive. Among activities below which one is categorized as the speculative motive of holding money?

A.Buying a coupon of lottery.
B.Buying gold, diamond, jewelry, and the like.
C.Buying fixed assets such as land and property.
D.Buying foreign exchange like euro, yen, or US dollar.
E.Buying marketable securities such as bonds and stocks.
Jawaban E

32.A central bank can control money supply by imposing various types of policy instruments. One example of monetary policy that is aimed at dampening money supply is ....
A.the central bank lowers percentage of its reserve requirement
B.the central bank raises percentage of its reserve requirement
C.the central bank eases establishment of new banks
D.the central bank relaxes credit requirements
E.the central bank buys marketable securities
Jawaban B

Baca Juga: Juz 'Amma: Surah Al Ashr, Mengingatkan Pentingnya Mengatur Waktu

33.National income of a certain country was $400 billion in 2014, and it was $480 billion in the year later. Prices in 2015 was fifteen per cents higher than it had been in the previous year. The economic growth of this country from the year 2014 to 2015 was ....
Jawaban A

34.Kemampuan perusahaan untuk memperoleh laba dari proses produksinya disebut ....
Jawaban B

Baca Juga: Lazisma MAJT Berikan Bantuan Sembako kepada Warga Terdampak Banjir Rob di Tambaklorok Semarang

35.Investment is an important variable to grow an economy. The more investment is the larger national income will be, and the speeder the economy will grow. Investments will increase if ....
A.the parliament signs more investment agreements
B.the president signs more investment approvals
C.people or households spend more their money
D.the government provides tax amnesty
E.borrowing rates of interest decrease
Jawaban E

36.The ending inventory of Zakara Merchardise Company is understated. It causes cost of good sold to be….
A.overstated and net income to be understated
B.overstated and net income to be overstated
C.understated and net income to be understated
D.understated and net income to be overstated
E.overstated and net income to be correct
Jawaban A

Baca Juga: Daftar Program Studi Beasiswa Indonesia Maju 2022 Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Pekalongan


Editor: Ali A

Sumber: Buku Kumpulan Soal OSN


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