Pembahasan 20 Contoh Soal OSN Ekonomi SMA MA Dilengkapi Kunci Jawaban Persiapan OSN Tingkat Kabupaten

- 30 Mei 2022, 18:58 WIB
Pembahasan  20 Contoh Soal OSN Ekonomi SMA MA Dilengkapi Kunci Jawaban Persiapan OSN Tingkat Kabupaten
Pembahasan 20 Contoh Soal OSN Ekonomi SMA MA Dilengkapi Kunci Jawaban Persiapan OSN Tingkat Kabupaten /Pixabay

4.For the same country and in the same year, define which one is true among the following statements?
a.GNP is always larger than GDP
b.GDP is always larger than GNP
c.GNP is always the same as GDP
d.GNP is always larger than National Income
e.National Income is always larger than GNP
Jawaban d

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5.Fiscal Policy is a macroeconomic policy that…. aimed at helping poor people or poor families done through the government budget
c.takes the form of taxation (increasing or reducing tax rate) planned and launched by the central bank planned by the government and launched by the central bank
Jawaban c

6.Suppose local government budgets of all kabupatens/cities in a province increase by totally Rp10 trillion, then the government budget of the corresponding province will….
a.increase by Rp10 trillion as well
b.decrease by Rp10 trillion as well
c.not be affected
d.decrease by more than Rp10 trillion
e.increase by more than Rp10 trillion
Jawaban c

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7.Among the following revenue sources, the one that is very significant to raise the Regional Original Income (Pendapatan Asli Daerah) is….
a.the width of its land or area
b.the number of population
c.the amount of livestock
d.the number of motor vehicles
e.the amount of modern market such as supermarkets and mini-markets
Jawaban b

8.Indeks di Bursa Efek Indonesia yang menggambarkan pergerakan saham syariah adalah ….
a. Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG)
b. Indeks Islam
c. Jakarta Islamic Index (JII)
d. Indeks Sektoral
e. Indeks Syariah
Jawaban c

Baca Juga: Pembahasan 40 Prediksi Soal Latihan Seni Budaya Semester 2 Kelas 10 SMA MA Dilengkapi Kunci Jawaban9.The institution that represents the interest of bond owners is known as….
a. Trustee
b. Securities Rating Firm
c. Custodian Bank
d. Securities Administration Bureau (BAE)
e. Investment Consulting Firm
Jawaban a

10.Which index represents the movements of all stocks listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange?
a. Sector Index
b. Jakarta Islamic Index (JII)
c. Main Board Index
d. LQ 45 Index
e. Jakarta Composite Index (JCI)
Jawaban e

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11.Dalam proses penawaran umum atau go public, emiten akan dibantu oleh profesi penunjang pasar modal, opininya akan termuat di dalam prospectus. Pernyataan di bawah ini merupakan profesi penunjang adalah ….
a. Wali Amanat
b. Penasehat Investasi
c. Bank Kustodian
d. Pemeringkat Efek
e. Konsultan Hukum
Jawaban b

12.Simpanan di bank syariah yang sifatnya seperti titipan dan dapat ditarik sewaktu- waktu sebaiknya menggunakan akad....
a. Musyarakah
b. Wadiah
c. Mudharabah
d. Ijarah
e. Istishna
Jawaban b


Editor: Ali A

Sumber: Buku Kumpulan Soal OSN


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